

以下是关于纪律处分程序和学生权利的常见学生行为问题 & 责任. If you have a question not covered below, please reach out to the 学生事务主任.

What is the Student Standards of Conduct?

《网赌app》是一份指导学生行为的指南,所有ACC学生都应遵守, 促进个人和学术诚信,以及维护在我们的大学社区彼此的权利的尊重.

Who does the Student Standards of Conduct apply to?


  • 全/兼职
  • 开/校外
  • 在线课程(s)
  • 继续教育
  • 成人教育
  • 高中关系学学生

What happens when an alleged violation is reported against me?

行政协调会院长/学生事务副院长将通知您有关指控,并安排会议听取您的意见. 院长将审查证据并确定是否发生了违反学生行为标准的行为. A formal investigation may follow, 如果违规发生了, appropriate sanctions might be issued.The dean will guide you through the process.

The Dean's office contacted me to set up an meeting with them. 这是什么意思??

It most likely means that a Conduct Notification Report, 包含你的名字, was submitted to the Student Affairs Dean’s office. 报告中可能会包含一些信息,表明你可能违反了学生行为标准,或者目击了有人违反了学生行为标准. You should follow the instructions provided and meet with the dean.

If the communication received contains a specific date and time for a meeting, you are required to appear for that meeting. 如果你的时间安排有冲突,你有责任打电话给院长办公室重新安排.

What should I expect when I meet with the Dean? 我该如何准备??

会议期间, you will be provided with information about the incident, 你的学生权利, an overview of the student standards of conduct, 对你的指控, and an opportunity to present your side of the story. 开会前, 写下你对事件的回忆,列出你想问的问题. 你还应该审查学生行为准则和程序.


与学生事务主任/副主任会面讨论事件和指控是你的权利,也是你的最大利益. They will do their best to work with your schedule and availability. 然而, 如果你选择不参加或在纪律处分过程中没有反应, 没有你的情况下调查仍会继续,你可能会被追加指控. 院长也可以保留你的记录,阻止你注册或索取成绩单.


作为一名ACC的学生,你有权在纪律程序中进行正当程序. 这包括你有权:

  • Receive notice of a complaint against you
  • Know the evidence being presented against you
  • Know the name of the complainant
  • The opportunity to present your side to an unbiased party

What are considered violations of the Student Standards of Conduct?

Some examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Misuse of College computers, technology, or other electronics
  • 违法行为
  • 在课堂内外以严重干扰或危害大学社区的方式行事
  • 药物/酒精使用 & 用具
  • 盗窃/损坏财产
  • 将人们置于危险之中
  • Unauthorized entry or misuse of College property
  • Scholastic dishonesty: cheating, plagiarism and collusion
    For the complete list of student 责任, go to Section 2.A – 2.G of the Student Standards of Conduct.

What is a sanction and what are some examples?

A sanction is a consequence for a conduct violation. 处罚由管理案件的院长/学生事务副院长决定和发布. 这些是可能的制裁措施:  

  • Restitution – Reimbursement for loss, damages or injury
  • Alternative Sanction – includes restorative justice
  • Written/Verbal Reprimand – Warning
  • Removal from course(s) – Withdrawal from course(s)
  • 限制/失去特权-不允许参加或接触学院的财产或活动
  • 试用期-指定的一段时间,在此期间,学生被要求遵守条款,不能再违反规定.
  • Suspension – Temporary removal from College
  • Expulsion – Permanent separation from the College

What happens when an investigation is complete?

If it’s determined that a violation occurred and you are found responsible, an appropriate consequence (also known as a sanction) will be issued. Within ten (10) business days of the completion of the investigation, the dean will send you a written notice of the findings, an explanation of the sanction(s), and deadline/process for an appeal.

What is the process for an appeal?

上诉请求必须以书面形式提交给相应的地区学生事务执行主任. 取决于制裁, 上诉可由执行院长或覆核小组覆核,以作出最后决定. 书面上诉必须在收到裁决后的五(5)个工作日内提交.

Appeals to the Regional Executive Dean are limited to a review of the documents. The decision of the Regional Executive Dean final. 学生将在收到上诉请求后的五(5)个工作日内收到决定通知.


  • Disciplinary process procedures were not properly followed
  • New information has been discovered
  • Evidence of bias during the proceedings
  • The decision of the JRP is final and is not subject to further appeal.  


How long will a violation be on my record?

A conduct record is active for 7 years. Note: suspension and expulsion cases are active forever.


家庭教育权 & 1974年隐私法(PL93-380), FERPA, 是否有法律确保行政协调会保护学生的机密教育记录. For more information about FERPA, visit the 网站.





Q: I have a disciplinary record. 这对我转学到其他院校的申请程序有何影响?



以下是与非学术学生投诉过程有关的常见问题. If you have a question not covered below, please reach out to the 学生事务主任.

What are 'non-academic' complaints?

非学术投诉涉及(但不限于)与学院服务和办公室有关的问题, 或者与员工的互动.

What type of complaints would NOT be covered under this policy?


  • Discrimination or Harassment on basis of
    • 残疾
    • 种族、肤色或民族出身
  • 不正当的性行为
  • 级变化
  • 经济援助申请
  • 招生及记录上诉

I have a non-academic complaint. 我应该先做什么?

你应该做的第一件事是尝试与学院官员进行非正式的解决. 通常, 这些问题都是简单的沟通不畅或误解,通常可以口头解决.

If informal resolution doesn't work, what should I do next?

You may move to the Formal Resolution Process. 这个过程旨在帮助学生和员工以公平和建设性的方式解决分歧.

How do I begin the Formal Resolution Process?

Formal complaints are submitted online using the form located 在这里. 一定要提供相关的活动日期,并包括所有相关方的名字. 投诉将被发送给被投诉的直接主管. 主管将在收到书面投诉后的十(10)个工作日内作出决定.

I submitted a formal complain, but resolved the issue informally. 接下来我该做什么?

Even after submitting a formal complaint, you are encouraged to continue seeking informal resolution of your concerns. You will be able to withdraw a formal complaint at any point in the process. To do this, contact the supervisor of the employee.

What if I’m unsatisfied with the resolution?

If you are not satisfied with the resolution from the first level supervisor, you may submit a written appeal with the second level supervisor (ie: dean, 导演, or department chair) within ten (10) days. If you are not satisfied with the second level supervisor’s resolution, 您可以向第三级主管(即:AVC或副校长)提出上诉。. The third level supervisor’s determination is final.

Who can I reach out to if I have a question about the complaint process?

You can reach out to your campus’ Dean/Associate 学生事务主任. 见十大靠谱赌博平台 在这里.

Why am I asked to include my desired outcome?

Formal resolution is an inclusive and collaborative process. 你的意见对这个过程很有价值,并有助于改善学院的服务.

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